7 Leadership Qualities that Men can Learn from Women

As a man who leads corporate wellness retreats, I look to other leaders for encouragement and guidance.Some of the most inspirational leaders I have met are women—particularly those who have not officially put themselves into formal leadership roles, but are simply leading lives with heart, vulnerability, truth and positive intention. These women know intuitively how to create positive shifts in all their relationships, and they inspire others to do the same. I also admire the growing number of men who have taken note, stepped up, and started to integrate their inner feminine to lead in the same way.Imagine what the world would be like if everyone began to lead in this way.I have put together a list of qualities from the women I have been privileged to work with and learn from. I refer to it on a regular basis, and I hope it helps you too.
... continue reading article here in ELEPHANT JOURNAL to explore the qualities of heart-centered leadership.