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Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. [1]


Studies have shown meditation can improve your health, sleep, and mood. Many daily meditators find they have more creativity available to them AND they are able to navigate life's challenges more readily.


We've included a few videos in this section to support you trying on different meditation techniques to find the ones that best support you. Sometimes you may want to meditate seated and other times you may want to meditate while walking. Explore different techniques to discover what works best for you.


You might find the free app, InsightTimer, supportive as you develop your meditation practice.


[1] Source: Wikipedia

3-Minute Meditation Guided by Deepak Chopra

3-Minute Breathing Meditation

Guided Pure Awareness Mediation

Guided Walking Meditation


Breathing Techniques for Relaxation

Breathing techniques, also called breathwork, are conscious ways of breathing that support your mental, emotional, and physical state.


When starting to practice breathwork, choose practices that are gentle on your body. For more advanced breathwork, seek a skilled practitioner that can support you. Below are videos of some simple breathing techniques that you can use to reduce stress, relax your mind and body, and even help you get to sleep faster.

Two Breathing Techniques to Reduce Stress

Guided Breathing Meditation

The Quick Calm Breathing Technique

A Breathing Practice for Sleep

Breathing Techniques


During a visualization relaxation technique you form mental images so you go on a journey to a peaceful, calming place or situation. You can do them any time and where, so long as it is safe to close your eye.s


To relax using visualization, try to incorporate as many senses as you can, including smell, sight, sound and touch. If you imagine relaxing at the ocean, for instance, think about the smell of salt water, the sound of crashing waves and the warmth of the sun on your body.


You may want to close your eyes, sit in a quiet spot, loosen any tight clothing, and concentrate on your breathing. Aim to focus on the present and think positive thoughts.




Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Source


Research suggests sound can be a tool for reducing pain, anxiety, and relieving stress. Studies have found that rhythmic sounds can provide pain relief. Another study found that an hourlong sound meditation helped people reduce tension, anger, fatigue, anxiety, and depression while increasing a sense of spiritual well-being. Source



Sound Therapy


Massage is the manipulation of the body's soft tissue to encourage and improve relaxation, circulation, and healing.


There are many types of massage. Some include:

  • Swedish

  • Hot Stone

  • Aromatherapy

  • Deep Tissue

  • Sports

  • Trigger Point

  • Reflexology

  • Shiatsu


You can learn more about twelve types of massage here.


Below are two videos about self massage. The first is for headache relief and the other for wrist and forearm pain.

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