The Mechanics of Fear
Fear is not a bad thing. It's a natural response and emotion to experiences. In life-threatening situations, our feeling fear helps us heighten our senses and react to what's happening to ensure our safety.
However, when we're in fear we literally don't have full access to our higher mental functions like reason and logic. Under threat, our brains shut down the non-essential parts for survival and heighten our reactivity, enabling us to quickly escape a situation or defend ourselves. And while that can be quite useful, most of the time we experience fear we aren't in life-threatening danger.
A side-effect of our fear-initiated survival brain is that we become more narrowly focused. We lose our ability to see all options and possibilities. We lose touch with our ability to choose our best course of action or even a course of action that simply aligns with what we most deeply want.
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Want to learn more about the science of fear? Read this article.
So what can you do about fear?
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Shift into Presence with Fear Melters™
Watch this video about Fear Melters, a movement-based technique developed by Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks that enables us to shift from fear to being here, in the present moment.
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