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Conscious Listening Part 2: Listening Without Filters

Power lives more in listening than in talking. In fact, listening may be the key skill of the successful person.


Creating thriving relationships involves being able to listen to what someone is saying, understanding what they are expressing, and respond to what is truly wanted. 


Unfortunately, most of us have many listening filters.


Listening filters are assumptions that degrade understanding and connection instead of enhancing it. These filters limit our ability to receive what's being communicated.


Here are some common listening filters. Do you have any of them?



Tap image for a larger view


Tap image for a larger view

Mindful Stress Reduction 600 px.png
Thriving Relationships 600 px.png
Optimal Health 600 px.png
Higher Purpose 600 px.png
Environmental Stewardship 600 px.png
Living Joyfully 600 px.png
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