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Identifying Emotions

Knowing what you are feeling and being able to communicate that with others—without blame—are key skills to master if you are going to create thriving relationships.


Watch this video to learn more about feeling your feelings and communicating about your experience.

Learning how to identify what's happening in your body

Notice Body Sensations.jpg

Tap image for a larger view

Where emotions are located in your body

Emotion-Locations in the Body.jpg

Tap image for a larger view

An Easy Practice You Can Do

Getting friendly and familiar with your body sensations and emotions will support you.


Download this handout about befriending your body awareness.


Print a few copies then practice exploring and noting your body sensations and emotions.


This will be an easy, can't-get-it-wrong way for you to begin upping your ability to communicate what you're feeling and experiencing.

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Thriving Relationships 600 px.png
Optimal Health 600 px.png
Higher Purpose 600 px.png
Environmental Stewardship 600 px.png
Living Joyfully 600 px.png
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